Welcome To Michelle's Portfolio

About Me

a smiling Michelle Asuamah

Hi, I’m Michelle! Here’s a bit about me…I am a highly self-motivated developer with an imminent certificate in full-stack web development. In previous studies I earned a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and Human Resources, and my all-time favourite school subject is …math! I’ve always loved problem-solving and logical reasoning, and I've been searching for a way to introduce that back into my everyday life, especially my career. It took me a while, but I’m so happy I found coding because I feel it really fuels my passion for solving problems. I also consider myself a life-long learner, and I’m always eager to build and create. Hence, learning how to build web applications has been a fulfilling journey for me so far. My current technological skills include frontend technologies such as JavaScript, HTML, and CSS, as well as backend technologies including Node.js, Express.js, and MySQL. I have every intention to continue on this journey of increasing my knowledge and skills when it comes to programming. I plan to do so through work experience and remaining dedicated to my own self-teachings. That’s all you get for now, but feel free to contact me if you’d like to know more! Don’t forget to check out my projects below. Cheers!


a tiny espresso filled cup resting on a macbook keyboard.
Tech Cup

A CMS-Style blog where users can login/logout, create, edit, and delete post. Built with Sequelize Database and HandleBars MVC

a white analog alarm clock

Coding Quiz

A timed quiz built with Web API & JavaScript.

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a padlock sitting on top of a laptop keyboard.

Password Generator

Generates passwords using JavaSıcript

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a picture of a tree in the sky. The tree features bright green foliage and the sky is clear with some fluffy white clouds.

Weather Dashboard

Get the weather forecast. Built with server-side API.

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a woman writing tasks in a neatly organized notebook. Her list of tasks and events read: 'Team, Process, Planning, IT, Studio'.

Schedule It

A workday scheduler meant to keep track of your daily events and tasks at work. Built with jQuery.

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giraffes and zebras out in the wild


An interactive catalogue which features animals and zookeepers. Built with Express.js

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a minature toy statue of the GitHub logo 'Octocat'.

Git it Done

Get easy access to GitHub projects with open issues and pull requests so you can find your next contribution. Built with GitHub REST API.

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a man covered in sticky notes meant to display all the things he has to do.


A web app where you can track your tasks. Built with web api

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a person writing out a checklist in a notebook

Taskmaster Pro

Task tracker Built with Bootstrap and jQuery

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