Hi, I’m Michelle! Here’s a bit about me…I am a highly self-motivated developer with an imminent certificate in full-stack web development. In previous studies I earned a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and Human Resources, and my all-time favourite school subject is …math! I’ve always loved problem-solving and logical reasoning, and I've been searching for a way to introduce that back into my everyday life, especially my career. It took me a while, but I’m so happy I found coding because I feel it really fuels my passion for solving problems. I also consider myself a life-long learner, and I’m always eager to build and create. Hence, learning how to build web applications has been a fulfilling journey for me so far. My current technological skills include frontend technologies such as JavaScript, HTML, and CSS, as well as backend technologies including Node.js, Express.js, and MySQL. I have every intention to continue on this journey of increasing my knowledge and skills when it comes to programming. I plan to do so through work experience and remaining dedicated to my own self-teachings. That’s all you get for now, but feel free to contact me if you’d like to know more! Don’t forget to check out my projects below. Cheers!
A CMS-Style blog where users can login/logout, create, edit, and delete post. Built with Sequelize Database and HandleBars MVC
A timed quiz built with Web API & JavaScript.
View moreGenerates passwords using JavaSıcript
View moreGet the weather forecast. Built with server-side API.
View moreA workday scheduler meant to keep track of your daily events and tasks at work. Built with jQuery.
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